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Ukraine President Just Obliterated Democrats and Their Impeachment Effort

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been rather quiet about the alleged quid pro quo since his visit to the White House.

This week, however, he once again smashed the narrative of quid pro quo during an interview with Time Magazine.

No Quid Pro Quo

There are no mincing Zelensky’s words in this interview.

He is upset and he has every right to be.

However, if you read between the lines just a little bit, it sure sounds like he is far more upset with Democrats than he is with President Trump and the impeachment scandal.

When asked about the aid and the meeting at the White House, Zelensky stated, “Look, I never talked to the president from the position of a quid pro quo.

“That’s not my thing. … I don’t want us to look like beggars.”

President Trump took no time at all to latch onto this interview to say the impeachment case should be closed right now…

Stop Hurting My Country

What Zelesnky is clearly miffed about, though, is the constant harboring on the narrative of the corruption of Ukraine and that it still may be the case.

You see, the longer Democrats hold onto this narrative of quid pro quo, the more it makes the new administration look corrupt.

This is what is really bothering the new president of Ukraine and he was not shy about expressing his concerns.

He stated, “If you’re our strategic partner, then you can’t go blocking anything for us.

“I think that’s just about fairness. It’s not about a quid pro quo.”

Zelensky further stated, “When America says, for instance, that Ukraine is a corrupt country, that is the hardest of signals.

“Everyone hears that signal. Investments, banks, stakeholders, companies, American, European, companies that have international capital in Ukraine, it’s a signal to them that says, ‘Be careful, don’t invest.’ Or, ‘Get out of there.’”

He added, “It’s not that those things don’t exist. They do. All branches of government were corrupted over many years, and we are working to clean that up.

“But that signal from them is very important.”

This is important because the Democrat narrative is that Trump is trying to further corrupt an already corrupt nation, which is blocking Zelensky’s administration from being able to move forward.

Point being, the relationship with Ukraine is being strained, but it is the Democrat narrative that is putting the strain on it, not Trump.

Source: Time

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