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Washington Post Slammed for Headline Calling ISIS Leader a ‘Religious Scholar’

We have seen a lot of things by the leftist media, but the actions of the Washington Post show a clear effort to minimalize the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

At one point, WaPo published a headline calling al-Baghdadi an “austere religious scholar” rather than calling him out for the animal and terrorist that he is.

Changing Headlines

WaPo apparently struggled to get a headline that would generate clicks, so someone changed the headline and reworked it after initially calling al-Baghdadi the “terrorist-in-chief.”

My guess is that there was some pushback from the very liberal and politically correct editorial staff to overrule what was a far more truthful headline.

Perhaps Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) called them up to express her outrage, who knows…

The Religious Scholar

How al-Baghdadi could even be considered a religious scholar is beyond me.

This man is responsible for the recruitment of many of the individuals that have carried out attacks on U.S. soil.

In August 2014, journalist James Foley was beheaded at al-Baghdadi’s direction.

Two other Americans, Steven Sotloff and Peter Kassig, were also beheaded by al-Baghdadi’s soldiers as well as being broadcast on video.

American aid worker Kayla Mueller was taken hostage, forced to marry an ISIS leader, then later killed (her death was confirmed in 2015).

This, of course, does not even mention the regular torture citizens throughout the Middle East have been subject to at the hands of al-Baghdadi and his terrorist soldiers.

Even in death al-Baghdadi was cowardly, clicking off a suicide vest after having run into a cave with three of his children.(Correction issued by Pentagon on 10.30 that it was two children killed with al-Baghdadi)

This was not a religious scholar, but a horrific terrorist responsible for the deaths of innocent civilians throughout the world.

The fact that WaPo would even consider running that headline proves just how far left our mainstream media has gone.

Source: Fox News

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