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Why Hunter and Joe Biden Need to be Investigated

Headlines are dominated right now by President Trump’s phone call to Ukraine’s president asking him to investigate the dealings of Hunter Biden and Joe Biden’s recommendation of the firing of Ukraine’s prosecutor.

Why nobody is suggesting that Hunter Biden’s business dealings and his father’s possible role in them need to be investigated is baffling at best and a coverup of immense proportions at worst.

Rosemont Seneca Partners

Flying under the radar in all the accusations being made against Trump is a business owned by Joe Biden’s son, Hunter.

The business, Rosemont Seneca Partners, had a rather interesting trio at the helm.

In addition to Hunter Biden, Chris Heinz was one of the partners.

Heinz is the son of former Senator Heinz, who died tragically in a 1991 plane accident.

However, even more interesting is the fact that Heinz’s mother decided to remarry four years later to then-Senator John Kerry.

The same John Kerry that would become Secretary of State during the Obama administration and that held the position of Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations when the company was formed.

The third member of the gang was Devon Archer, who was a lifelong friend of the family.

The Scandals

At the heart of the dealings of Rosemont Seneca Partners (RSP) are two deals that may have been directly impacted by Joe Biden’s position in the administration.

While our Vice President was negotiating some very important policies with the Chinese, Hunter Biden was meeting with many of the Chinese officials that were also in town.

Then, in December 2013, Hunter Biden accompanied his father on an overseas trip to Asia.

According to reports, about 10 days after the Asian trip, Hunter Biden signed a billion-dollar deal for a joint venture between RSP and the Bank of China.

As if that deal is not shady enough, there is also the Ukraine deal Biden’s son did with BHR Partners (Burisma Holdings).

Joe Biden was in the Ukraine to deliver an aid package, but before handing over the cash, Biden demanded the prosecutor be fired.

According to Biden, the prosecutor was not being tough enough on an investigation into Mykola Zlochevsky, the Minister of Natural Resources.

The prosecutor also happened to be investigating Burisma Holdings for corruption, which is the company Hunter Biden was dealing with at the time.

There was another catch… Joe Biden wanted the United States to put its stamp of approval on the prosecutor’s replacement.

This would be akin to the United States allowing Japan to approve Trump’s nomination for Attorney General, just to show you how outrageous the request was at the time.

As we all now know, the prosecutor was fired, and the investigation into BHR was dropped by the new prosecutor.

Hunter Biden would later accept a board seat with BHR. This was so fishy, in fact, Chris Heinz emailed the Secretary of State to distance himself from the fact that both Archer and Biden were taking seats.

The Washington Examiner reported that Heinz’s letter stated, “Apparently Devon and Hunter both joined the board of Burisma and a press release went out today.

“I can’t speak why they decided to, but there was no investment by our firm in their company.”

Hunter Biden officially joined the BHR board in 2014.

On the surface, it would appear the cushy board position, which reportedly paid Biden about $50k per month, was given in exchange for the investigation getting dropped.

The New York Times reported Burisma Holdings paid Rosemont Seneca Bohai, LLL a total of $3.4 million in 2014 and 2015.

While Joe Biden’s quid pro quo may not have benefitted him personally, it sure looks like he worked out some deals that lined his son’s pockets.

If Biden has nothing to hide, he should be encouraging an investigation into these matters but the last time I checked, those words were not coming out of his mouth.

Additionally, if there was nothing fishy about the BHR post, why did Hunter suddenly leave the position when his father announced he was running for president?

There is definitely something very fishy here.

Sources: New York Post / Fox News / New York Times / Washington Examiner

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***There was a correction made to this article on 9.28. We previously stated Hunted Biden did not take the position with Burisma until after Biden left office, but that was incorrect. He accepted his position in 2014 and resigned in 2019.