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After Nasty Accusation by Pelosi, Trump Abruptly Ends Infrastructure Meeting

Earlier today, President Trump had a meeting with Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) on infrastructure.

Prior to the meeting, Pelosi accused Trump of being involved in a cover-up.

So, when Trump met with Schumer and Pelosi, he demanded “get these phony investigations over with” and abruptly ended the meeting after only three minutes.

The Cover-Up

Pelosi has been hanging on to her speaker’s gavel by a thread.

Her caucus has been demanding action be taken against Trump right now.

In an effort to show party unity, Pelosi held a meeting this morning with her fellow members of Congress to discuss impeachment, among other agenda items.

When Pelosi surfaced from the meeting, she walked up to the microphone and accused Trump of being neck-deep in a cover-up.

Pelosi stated, “We do believe it’s important to follow the facts.

“We believe no one is above the law.”

Then she threw the gasoline on the fire stating, “the President of the United States is engaged in a cover-up.

“That was the nature of the meeting.”

Trump Fuming

According to sources inside the room, they have never seen Trump so upset.

He reportedly walked into the cabinet room, did not shake anyone’s hand, and accused Nancy Pelosi of saying something “terrible” about him.

Trump then immediately walked out to the Rose Garden to speak to the press.

For added effect, Trump had a sign put on the podium with statistics regarding his cooperation with Robert Mueller.

Trump then stated, “Instead of walking in happily into a meeting, I walk in to look at people that have just said that I was doing a cover-up.

“I don’t do cover-ups.”

To be honest, I am surprised it took this long for this to come to a head.

Pelosi and Schumer have said some horrible things about Trump over the last two years.

I have stated numerous times he is far better than I in being able to put all of that aside to try to work out legislation.

Make no mistake about it, Trump is now forcing them to put their cards on the table and show their hand.

Either move forward with impeachment or get back to work.

Even after making her accusation, though, Pelosi is reluctant to move forward, which really hurts her credibility at this point.

If you truly believe the President is involved in some wrongdoing, start the impeachment, otherwise, you are only proving to everyone you know this is all nonsense.

Without a doubt, the media will portray Trump as the villain here, but I personally believe it was a brilliant move.

He knows they have nothing, and he knows there is no way impeachment will be successful, so force their hand.

Sources: New York Times / U.S. News World Report

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