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Buttigieg Slams Trump on Military Pardons

Mayor Pete is enjoying his time in the spotlight and using it to poke President Trump.

When asked about Trump pardoning military members found guilty of war crimes, presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg stated, “My view is that it’s disgusting.”

As a veteran, Buttigieg believes Trump “is blowing a hole in the military, and he is putting troops lives at risk.”

Where to Draw the Line

Regardless of where other nations stood and how they conducted themselves on the field of battle, America has always had a higher standard.

We actually follow rules of engagement and the Geneva Convention even though other countries have violated it against our own troops.

The real issue here is discipline.

Buttigieg and critics of these pardons are taking the stance that by issuing these specific pardons, Trump could be making it open season on prisoners.

Worse yet, he may be encouraging soldiers to disobey direct orders.

Standing Up Against Trump

President Trump has given Buttigieg more consideration than most of the other Democrats, save Biden.

Buttigieg has actually come across far more intelligent and purposed than anyone else in the field, to be perfectly honest.

He is already putting an agenda together and he is very personable in front of the camera, something that obviously concerns Trump.

Getting Trump’s attention, however, does not scare Buttigieg in the least, he actually welcomes it.

Buttigieg stated, “I don’t have a problem standing up to someone who was working on Season 7 of ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ when I was packing my bags for Afghanistan.”

He also went after the fact Trump was given a medical exemption during the draft.

He stated, “I have a pretty dim view of his decision to use his privilege to fake a disability in order to avoid serving in Vietnam.”

Buttigieg was obviously referring to the rumors a doctor that was a friend of the family gave Trump documentation for bone spurs in his feet to get a medical deferment.

The Democrat hopeful is clearly going to use being a veteran against Trump to try to sway veterans who stand with Trump away from the President.

In regard to the pardons, well, everyone is going to have to make their own conclusion on that matter.

The only defense Trump is really going to have is to have former military officers chime in that actually support his decision and the case made by those being pardoned.

Veterans are going to need to hear from other veterans that this was the right decision and not Trump pandering to outraged conservatives.

He doesn’t need everyone to agree with him, but he will need those on the bubble to understand the thought process behind these pardons if and when they are issued.

Source: MSN

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