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Pelosi Reacts to Trump’s ‘Nasty’ Comments

Well, it took her a few days, but Nancy Pelosi finally decided to react to some comments made by President Trump overseas.

After President Trump called Pelosi ‘nasty’ for wanting to send him to prison, Pelosi stated, “I’m done with him.

“I don’t even want to talk about him.”

What Good for the Goose is good for the Gander

This all started because Pelosi and some of her fellow Democrats were shredding Trump while he was in the middle of a state visit to the UK.

That so-called mandate Pelosi was talking about should work both ways if they want it to be effective.

If she doesn’t want Trump to talk badly about her when he is overseas, she should have kept her comments to herself about Trump while he was visiting other world leaders.

Let’s face facts, when your President is shaking the hands of Royalty and the French President is not exactly the best time to say you want him in jail.

Poor Nancy

Nancy, of course, had to be the martyr in the situation.

To justify her comments and still be able to find fault with Trump, she stated, “We never criticize a president of the United States when we are overseas.

“The president took a different tack.

“I’m done with him.

“I don’t even want to talk about him.”

When the reporter called her out on the motivation behind the President’s comments, she replied, “I don’t care what motivates him, and we never know.”

Well, in this case, Nancy, we do know, you threatened to send him to prison while he was visiting the Queen of England!

Pelosi further stated, “That’s all I’m gonna say about that, I don’t care what you ask anymore.

“I’m not going to talk about him anymore.”

As I recall, about two weeks ago Nancy made that same statement, then, within 48 hours, made the prison comment.

Sorry, Nancy, you fired the first shot here and the real reason you are so upset is that the President not only got the upper hand, he also made Americans painfully aware of just how evil, manipulative, and hypocritical you really are.

Source: Daily Caller

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