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Trump Deal with Mexico is Working

Since Democrats refused to work with the President on border control, he took it upon himself to force Mexico’s hand with threatened tariffs.

According to the most recent reports, the threat worked, because, after a record-setting May, illegal immigrant apprehensions are expected to be down by as much as 20 percent by the end of the month.

The Threat Worked

Donald Trump took a lot of heat for threatening to impose tariffs on Mexico, and it was not just from Democrats.

A significant amount of members in his own party were openly against hitting an ally with tariffs.

Trump didn’t care, though, and he put Mexico on notice that if they did not help with the problem, they were going to pay the price.

Tariffs at that level would have crippled Mexico’s economy, so they finally gave the President their commitment to help.

One could easily make the argument if Mexico was a true ally, they would have been doing this all along, but that is a conversation for another time.

Mexico, thus far, has lived up to its end of the bargain, far more than Democrats have done.

Troops have been deployed to cut off caravans and Mexican police can regularly be seen in and around the border chasing illegals away from crossings.

Even though the Mexicans have yet to put all promised measures in place, U.S. officials are already seeing a sharp decline in illegal border crossings.

Additionally, the much-abused family unit has seen a decrease of roughly 13 percent so far this month.

More to Come

President Trump mentioned the efforts by Mexico during this Orlando rally and promised Mexico will do an even better job moving forward.

Just this past Saturday, it was reported that Mexican law enforcement took almost 800 illegals into custody before they could get across our border.

Another very important part of the deal will be Mexico’s willingness to act as a safe harbor country for immigrants until the asylum applications can be processed.

This will take a huge burden off the already overwhelmed border facilities, hopefully ending the bogus “concentration camps” narrative being spread by AOC and backed up by the liberal media.

This crisis is still far from over, but at least we are finally seeing movement in the right direction.

Now we just need our Republican Senate to get a backbone to push through the immigration legislation sitting on McConnell’s desk without allowing Democrats to hold it up any longer by adding ridiculous and extreme riders in the hopes of making it unpassable.

Source: Daily Caller

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