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Trump Gets Refocused, Tears into Biden

After a couple of rough days with the media, Trump got refocused and used an attack against Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden to get the news cycle back on track.

Trump hit Biden where he is most vulnerable right now… his constant flip-flopping on issues where Biden has stood solid for decades as well as Biden’s previously horrific showings in presidential races.

President Trump stated, “He has recalibrated on everything.

“Everything he’s said he’s taken back two weeks later because he’s getting slammed by the left.

“And he stuck with this stuff. He’s really stuck with this.”

Hyde Amendment Problems

Biden continues to have his campaign dominated by his massive turn on the Hyde Amendment.

Mr. Biden has been pro-life his entire career and has flat-out stated he does not support abortion.

That has changed dramatically over the last two weeks.

On his decision to now support the murder of unborn babies, Biden stated, “I make no apologies for my last position, and I make no apologies for what I’m about to say.

“I can’t justify leaving millions of women without access to the care they need and the ability to exercise their constitutionally protected right.”

Biden is buying in all the way on the liberal narrative that abortion is a legitimate form of birth control now.

Rather than use contraceptives or practice some self-control, Biden would prefer to terminate a child growing in the womb of his or her mother.

Doesn’t Have It

Trump did not let up there, either.

The President continued to press the fact Biden, even though he has run twice before, has never really been a serious candidate.

Trump stated, “He [Biden] wanted to be the tough guy.

“He’s not a tough guy; he’s a weak guy.”

Trump clarified the statement further, stating, “It means mental capacity.

“It means a lot of things.

“He never did have what it takes,” which is why Trump always refers to Biden as “One Percent Joe.”

Most polls still have Biden with a significant lead, although that lead has dwindled and will probably do more so once the first round of debates is over.

Even so, Trump is clearly going to focus on Biden with most of his attacks until another member of the party gets within range of him.

That is going to demand that Biden continue to focus on Trump rather than his opponents, leaving Biden wide open to get shredded by the pack.

Source: Fox News

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