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Kellyanne Conway Slams Pelosi After Post-Meeting Confrontation

After Trump called an abrupt end to the infrastructure meeting with Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Conway and Pelosi apparently exchanged words.

Kellyanne Conway, who is one of Trump’s highest-ranking advisors, offered to further discuss the points the President had made.

Pelosi told Conway, “I talk to the President, I don’t talk to staff.”

Conway then told Pelosi, “How very pro-woman of you.”

Conway went on to say that is typical Pelosi.

She is the sixth richest member of Congress and treats everyone as though they are her staff.

False Reports

Conway also gave a bit more insight as to what actually happened when Trump entered the room.

Several “eye-witness” reports from other Democrats in the room all but had Trump flipping over the table and storming out.

Conway stated that could not be further from the truth.

She said Trump came into the room calmly, specifically called out Pelosi for accusing him of a cover-up, said his piece, and calmly left the room.

At no time, according to Conway, did Trump ever raise his voice at anyone.

Trump did, however, tell them they can only operate on one track.

They cannot make accusations like that against him one moment, then stroll into the Oval Office thinking he is going to sit down with them the next.

When they are ready to legislate and not be investigators, Trump stated he would be more than happy to sit down with them again.

Losing Her Grip

I said this yesterday and I am going to say it again… Pelosi is losing her grip on the party and starting to hit the panic button.

She really has backed herself into a corner right now and the only way out is to move forward with impeachment.

As we all know, though, there is one major problem… she don’t have a case.

Pelosi, of course, is not commenting on any of this and brushing off Conway’s comments as though they were never made.

The county is finally getting a glimpse at who Nancy Pelosi really is and she knows it is not flattering.

Source: Fox News

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